December 10 2005
Missoula Montana
A meeting was held by the NSA Trail Maintenance Advisory Council at 0900 at Jokers Wild Restaurant on N. Reserve Street in Missoula, Montana on Saturday 10 December 2005.
Advisory Council
Those Advisors present were Tom Blunn, Ron Larsen, Jeanene Jukkala, Bob Whaley, Jim Scofield, Tim Aldrich, Chuck Wildes, Carl Gidlund Don Courtney, Ed Courtney and Roger Savage. Those Advisors not present but participating via e-mail were Ron Stoleson, Stan Linnertz, Tom Kovalicky, Chuck Fricke, Roy Williams, Ted Nyquest and Jim Cherry
The meeting got underway with Jon discussing the role of the Advisory Council and that of the Trails Maintenance Coordinator. It was pointed out that the Trail Maintenance Coordinator serves at the discretion of the Advisory Council and that the Yearly Trail Maintenance Newsletter is under the direction of the council.
Financial Health
A brief review and discussion of the financial records of the program was completed and it was pointed out that we have one double entry. Jon will correct this error. In the 7 May 2005 meeting minutes, it was suggested that another Advisory Council member be authorized to sign checks on the Trail Maintenance Bank account in case Jon would not be available. Chuck Fricke has been added and can sign checks if required. Charlie Brown (NSA Treasurer) is also authorized to sign checks on this account.
It was asked if there is a maximum amount of money a non-profit can take in and remain a non profit. Jon will review this with the NSA Treasure Charlie Brown.
Objectives and Policies
A reading of action items from the 7 May 2005 meeting minutes was accomplished by Jon, with reference to all action required and taken. This included action in Trail Maintenance Objectives and Policies. It was suggested that we make an addition to the Policies to address certifications the USFS requires for volunteers using chainsaws and/or crosscut saws. Tim Aldrich will offer a re-write that can be included in that Policy element dealing with Leave No Trace and Bear Country procedures.
Carl Gidlund suggested that the Objectives only referred to back country projects and should include reference to “drive to” or “trailhead projects” as this was a growing part of our program. Carl volunteered to edit the Objectives and correct this omission.
Jon referred to a thank you letter from Joni Packard (former District Ranger at Powell RS) for our efforts in the Selway last summer. It was the finest recognition of our efforts to date and her letter produced a reply from Trail Maintenance. It was noted by Tom Blunn that she has been transferred to Missoula from Powel and that we might arrange a meeting with her in our efforts in trail maintenance.
At this time attention was given to the Special Award Plaque presented to the NSA last July at Spotted Bear Ranger Station in the Flathead N. F. Deb Mucklow presented the association with the USFS special award for “exemplary service”.
Saw Certification
Jon gave a report on Saw Certification occurring on 25 May 2005 where 12 local Trail Maintenance Volunteers were certified on both the cross cut and the chain saw. A discussion then occurred on the subject of Training and Certification requirements by the Forest Service and how this issue must be addressed for future projects. It was made clear that we must meet these certification requirements on future projects if we expect to continue with the volunteer agreement.
Volunteer Communications
The 2006 Trail Maintenance Newsletter was presented and attention was directed to the new Trail Maintenance BLOG site. The address is “nsatrail.blogspot.com” and is managed by Bill Ruskin in Colorado Springs. It will provide general information for NSA trail maintenance volunteers and hopefully take some of the administrative load off of Trail Maintenance Missoula. It was requested that the IRS letter approving NSA as a non-profit be on the BLOG site so that volunteers could print it for use when filling out and filing their tax forms. Jon said this would be accomplished. It will take some time to develop the BLOG to full potential.
NSA Trail Maintenance requirements
Jim Scofield inquired as to the details of insurance that might be purchased to protect the volunteer such as injury or tort issues. Tim Aldrich and Jon McBride explained that NSA had looked into this for reunions in the past and it was much too expensive. Jim noted that public schools have insurance connections through which families may purchase policies to cover their children involved in sports. He volunteered to look into this and report back.
Tim Aldrich and Chuck Wildes gave a brief review on their successful negotiations to obtain the volunteer agreement for one of our projects last summer and how and why we might expect more negotiations in the future in order to continue to meet this NSA Trail Maintenance requirement.
Art Jukkala Life Membership
Jon announced the unanimous approval by previous e-mail communications by the Advisory Council, of the proposal by Jim Cherry that the Advisory Council purchase a life membership in the name of Art Jukkala to be utilized by his wife Jeanene for the rest of her life.
Art Jukkala Scholarship Fund
Jon presented a proposal by Stan Linnertz to create an Art Jukkala Scholarship Fund to be available only to qualified children of Smokejumpers Killed in Action. He noted that there are three children identified to date. A discussion followed and details discussed. A vote produced unanimous approval of the fund including $6000.00 from the operations fund going into the Scholarship Fund creating a $10,000.00 fund for distribution to begin as early as September 2006. Investment of the funds in CD’s will be managed by NSA Treasure Charlie Brown. Investment in stocks or bonds is not permitted. The Scholarship Fund including identification of recipients, qualification requirements, amount of the scholarships and any other issues will be under the direct control and management of the Trail Maintenance Advisory Council.
It was noted that donations have not ever been solicited from Trail Maintenance Volunteers in the Trail Maintenance Program. The scholarship fund is seen to be different and plans to seek donations will proceed.
Bob Whaley and Ed Courtney volunteered to act as representatives of the trail maintenance advisory council and to conduct discussions with a University Registrar office in seeking guidance as to the administrative procedures to follow in funding the scholarships.
The meeting ended at approximately 1115.